Dedicated to providing qualified Psychiatrists to Employers nationwide
From discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment to work related accidents or stress and absenteeism, employment cases can cover a wide range of areas where mental health is a key factor. Complex cases may require a Psychiatric report, to assist the Court or Tribunal with their understanding and insight into any Psychiatric issues which may have a bearing on the case.
A Psychiatrist’s expert testimony will involve medical assessment and diagnosis as well as reviewing medical history to shed light on behaviours or the impact on mental health of workplace-based trauma.
Mental health conditions can have a significant impact on an employee’s ability to perform their role and it is in the employer as well as the employee’s interest to secure an understanding of any underlying Psychiatric issues with appropriate medical diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
If you’re an employment lawyer, you may need to secure a Psychiatric assessment quickly, particularly if there’s a worsening Psychiatric condition involved. You’ll need a highly accurate, comprehensive and clear Psychiatric report supplied within the Court or Tribunal’s deadline.
At Psychiatry Direct, we’re experts in supply the Expert Witness you’ll need for your Employment Law case. With the largest network of mental health practitioners in the UK, we’re able to quickly meet any brief, however challenging in terms of location or other specifics such as language or cultural requirements.
Our Client Service Team will be on hand supporting you through the case with assessment bookings, queries, administration, and guaranteeing the delivery of 100% proofread and quality checked Psychiatric reports.
Our Psychiatric Employment Assessments and Services include;
- Fitness to Work and Return to Work assessments & recommendations
- Psychiatric assessment of work related stress, anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Psychiatric assessments following a workplace accident
- Mental Health assessment of an employee on long-term sick leave, including the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)
- Psychiatric reports for Employment Tribunals
- Neuropsychiatric Assessments
- Psychiatric Assessments in Sexual Harassment or Bullying cases

Psychiatry Direct – A dedicated, professional service
- Three CVs and fees within 24 hours
- Psychiatrists available with expertise and experience in broad range of relevant specialties
- All Psychiatrists GMC registered and Section 12 approved
- Psychiatric medical diagnoses are based on the ICD-10 (internationally recognised Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders) and DSM – 5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)
- Standard psychiatric reports supplied quickly – usually within 4-6 weeks
- Fast track service available for more urgent deadlines
- All reports quality-checked
- Able to meet cultural, language or geographical requirements
- Team on hand to book appointments and handle case management
Do you need a Psychiatrist as an expert witness
for your employment case?

Need a Psychologist?
Did you know that we also offer Psychologist services?Our fully-vetted Psychologists are qualified to provide detailed, medically-based analysis and assessment of a person’s state of mind or mental health.
Can’t find the answer to your question?
It's simple, we understand your need and...
We match associates to your needs.
You instruct & we manage the Admin
Report QC checked & submitted on time
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Why not look through our resource centre?
Why Psychiatry Direct?

15-year track record in delivering outstanding service to our clients.

We know our professionals and we understand what clients need.

Reports supplied on time, efficient administration and fast timescales.

Cost effective
Fees the same or lower than approaching an Expert directly.

Well networked
Over 1000 Experts available rapidly, across the UK.

Dedicated Client Manager allocated for the duration of your case.

We’ll provide all the support you need to make your job easier.

Respect and understanding in everything we do.
Read about how we’ve helped others

Assessment ensures fair process for client
A criminal law firm needed to ensure that a defendant was fit to plead so they asked us to help.
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Expert Witness Psychiatrist in a Murder Case
A solicitor representing a defendant in a high-profile murder case needed an expert witness psychiatrist urgently.
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Assessed in the cells at The Old Bailey
A last minute assessment just in the nick of time!
Read More ➔Your questions answered
Psychiatry Direct has a register of 1000 plus professional Psychologists and Psychiatrists who have been through our robust vetting process. We have a dedicated team of Client Managers in place to take a full briefing on the case, handle all queries, administration, assessment bookings and take responsibility for ensuring reports are supplied to an excellent standard, on time. Our service to you is to work on your behalf, save you time, and give you the peace of mind that the whole process will go smoothly.
In rare cases, if necessary, our Client Managers can ask for the expert’s permission to release their contact details to you if deemed appropriate.
The vast majority of our Psychiatrists are Section 12 approved. If this is a stipulation, your Client Manager will ensure one is assigned to your case.
We vett all of our Psychiatrists prior to registration and only accept applications from psychologists who are registered with the GMC. We also ask that they provide an anonymous copy of a previous report for us to check, before we give them their first instruction. In addition to this all reports are quality checked by our Client Management team prior to being released to you.
CLICK HERE for details of our Quality Assurance processes
Finally, we constantly monitor the performance of our Psychiatrists in terms of their ability to adhere to agreed fees & deadlines as we appreciate that these are also very important.
Absolutely not! Our service is based on providing excellent value – and added value. Not only will you secure an appropriately qualified and skilled Expert Witness for your case without all the time and hassle of searching for one yourself, but we’ll handle all administration, bookings and ensure you get the report on time and have a dedicated manager at your beck and call too. You won’t pay any extra for this service than you would by going direct to a professional and all our Psychiatrists work to Legal Aid rates for your peace of mind.
Unfortunately, we only work business to business, through solicitors, local authorities and other agencies involved in legal proceedings such as the CPS or Courts. If you are a private individual looking for a psychiatrist, please speak with your GP.
All reports are the responsibility of our team of Client Managers. Not only will they ensure they are delivered to the timescales needed, but all reports will be 100% proofread and quality checked to ensure all questions are answered and addressed, that the report fulfils the purpose needed and that any recommendations are comprehensive and clear.
CLICK HERE for details of our Quality Assurance processes
Yes. We are fully aware and understanding of our clients’ budgets, so all our Psychiatrists work to Legal Aid rates.
We can also supply CVs and quotes for 3 Experts with the full breakdown of hours, as required by the Legal Aid Agency.